Cash back credit card users should always be trying to maximize the amount of cash back that they earn. One of the ways to do this is to use a card that offers bonus cash back based on spending categories that change every quarter.
Chase, one of the largest issuers of reward cards, offers its Freedom card which features different categories of merchants each quarter that return 5% cash back. This year, Chase Freedom card users can earn that bonus at gas stations and at restaurants from July to September.
How Chase Freedom’s Cash Back Rewards Work
For each dollar spent on most purchases, Chase awards cardholders 1% cash back. In addition, cardholders earn 5% cash back on their first $1,500 in spending in bonus categories each quarter. When that spending bonus is maximized, customers will earn $75 per quarter (up to $300 each year).
The Chase Freedom Visa currently features a $100 sign up bonus after $500 in purchases are made within the first three months of opening an account. Furthermore, there is a 0% introductory APR on balance transfers and new purchases for the first 15 months after opening an account. There is no annual fee for this card and, as an added perk, consumers get access to Chase’s Blueprint feature. This program offers powerful tools to help cardholders reduce their interest charges by paying some purchases in full while carrying a balance on others.
How To Maximize This Summer’s Bonus Categories
The 5% cash back bonus on gasoline and at restaurants is a great offer, but cardholders must be careful to follow all the terms in order to realize their cash back. First, cardholders must register for the bonus categories. This can be done online at Chase’s web site. In fact, registration can even be retroactive, so cardholders can receive the bonus for the entire quarter so long as they register before the end of September. Once registered, card members must comply with the terms of the offer. For example, eligible gas stations are typically limited to free standing locations and may exclude warehouse stores such as Costco and Sam’s Club.